It may seem odd that I’ve written a blog called ‘The benefits of ear wax’, after all, I’m encouraging you to have ear wax removal. However, as a qualified Audiologist, I would only ever encourage someone to have their ear wax removed if it was causing an ear or hearing problem. Let me explain what ear wax is and why it’s a good thing to have in our ears…
Ear wax is also known by its medical term, cerumen. It’s called wax but it’s not really wax at all, the name comes from the waxy texture. It is produced in the outer third of the cartilaginous position of the ear canal, this area contains skin that is always renewing itself. Ear wax consists of dead skin cells and secretions from two glands, the sebaceous and ceruminous glands. The ceruminous gland is a sweat gland, and the sebaceous gland excretes oil that helps lubricate the skin. These secretions mix with the dead skin cells to make up a very important substance, ear wax.
Ear wax protects your ears
Its role is to protect the skin inside the ear canal. A small graze to the skin in your ear canal can cause an infection, this can then lead to ear pain. The sticky texture of ear wax lubricates our skin and it’s a natural antimicrobial, in other words, it stops bacterial infections before they can start.
Ear wax is like other protective elements of the body like nose hairs or tears; they are an important part of preventing infection.
There are different types of ear wax
Not all ear wax is the same! The colour and consistency can tell us a lot of information about issues going on in your ear.
Bloody- Bloody ear wax may not mean an emergency as there are lots of blood vessels in the ear canal, it could just be a scratch. However, it could also mean a bad infection. Bloody ear wax could have also been caused by trauma to the ear.
Watery- Watery ear wax and/or discharge could indicate an infection in the outer ear canal, this is called otitis externa. As well as discharge, early symptoms may include itching in the ear canal, a slight redness in the ear and mild pain.
Green- Green ear wax discharge is usually a sign of a major ear infection – most often stemming from the middle ear.
Bad Smells- Ordinary ear wax does have a unique smell but if it starts to have a bad smell this is a sign of an infection.
Brown- A brown colour, particularly a light brown ear wax is perfectly normal.
Black- Black can be another normal colour of ear wax.
White, dry, and flaky- There’s usually nothing to worry about in this case. Some people just produce slightly different ear wax.
No ear wax- You probably do produce ear wax but not enough to become visible in your outer ear.
Ear wax cleans the ears!
This is another essential function of ear wax. Like a conveyor belt at the supermarket, our ear wax gathers dead skin, dirt and bacteria and moves any debris towards the opening of your ear canal. Isn’t the body very clever!
Too much ear wax isn’t a good thing
Too much ear wax can cause various issues but the first thing you’ll probably notice is a temporary hearing loss. Sound travels as a vibration along your ear canal to the middle and inner ear, this process can be affected when the ear is blocked with wax.
Ear wax is meant to be there, your ears are not dirty if ear wax is present!
When to seek professional help if you think your ears are blocked with wax
Unfortunately, some people are predisposed to producing too much ear wax and from time to time they may need to see a professional to have it removed. On average 25% of the population will experience moderate to severe ear wax issues. There are several signs to look out for which could indicate you have an ear or hearing problem. These include:
- Loss of hearing
- Earache
- Discomfort
- Discharge
- Ears feeling full
- Ringing or other noises in the ears
- Itchy ears
- Loss of balance
- Dizziness
- Coughing
If you are experiencing any ear or hearing problem I would highly recommend you see a trained professional. At an initial appointment, North West Ear Care will complete a full audiological history and will advise you if ear wax removal is necessary.
Give us a call! After all, it could just be wax.
