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Ear wax removal

One Ear £40, both ears £60

This includes a visit to your home, care home or workplace, an examination of your ears and removal of any wax that is present in one or both ears. 

If a second appointment is necessary, this will be free of charge.


Hearing Test (Pure tone audiometry)


This includes a visit to your home, care home or workplace, an examination of your ears and a formal hearing test. A full explanation of the hearing test results will be provided and a report completed.

(If wax removal is needed prior to the hearing test a change of £30 will be added).


Consultation Fee

If I find that wax is not the problem, that your ears are clear, a £30 consultation fee will be charged. 

If there is an issue, other than wax, with your ears, advice will be given and a report provided.

The fee for this is Â£30.

(This only applies if you have no wax. If already paying for wax removal or a hearing test this fee is not payable).



Depending on your location an extra charge may be incurred to cover travel costs. 



Prices: Welcome
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